Together At Last

About an hour ago the guys left for the last time. Yes, all the pieces of our house are together at last.

First they finished shoring up the foundation with a combination of cement bricks, wood blocks, and steel beams. This house isn't going anywhere. Then they hooked up all my "black" water lines to the septic tank. Mr. Jones will have to come back out next week and dig a trench from the meter to the house and then lay pipe to hook up my "fresh" county water.

We're still waiting on a power pole. Once that's in place, the electrician said he would move around whatever he had to to come out immediately and hook us up. Between that, the fact that he called to check on us this morning, and him being the only person willing to give me an estimate on labor and price-per-foot, means that out of a two page list of numbers the power company gave me he gets my money. That's how you do business in a small town.

In the meantime, someone that the crew ambiguously referred to as "the trim guy" is supposed to come out and finish everything off. The north and south sides need siding, a few doors and screens need to be put in place, and the seams where the pieces of the house meet need to be fully joined and finished off. He'll also be the one installing our A/C. Rainy or not, south Alabama can creep upward of 90F in July and August. They say he could come as soon as this afternoon or as late as Monday, and it could take him up to two days to complete everything.

There may be no new updates for a few days (well, maybe a recipe) so here's a sneak peek shot of the interior to hold you over. See you soon!

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