Quick Update

There isn't a lot to report and even fewer pictures. The rain has been pretty bad and it's pushed some things back. We do have siding, and as of today the inside has been trimmed out to join up all the pieces of the house. The trim guy even vacuumed the house for me. Isn't he sweet?

Monday night we were all excited about moving in Wednesday (today). We even had a picnic. We put down a blanket, stole some fake flowers from my mother, and ate take-out Chinese off our fine china while drinking WalMart wine from our wedding crystal... While watching Star Trek on the laptop perched atop a few boxes. The latter was merely to test the strength and stability of our new internet connection, I assure you. >.>

The new timeline dictates that we should have clean water and air conditioning by the end of the week. The problem is that we both work two jobs each on Fridays and 12 hour shifts on Saturdays. It looks like we'll be moving in at the beginning of next week. In the meantime, I'll be making small runs of things as I can, just to have that much less stuff when the big move happens.

Stay tuned!

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