A Bee to the Face!

Note to Self:  Don't wear floral deodorant while working with plants.

Additional Note to Self:  Bees can smell fear.

Today we (mostly) finished clearing out the lot that our new house will sit on. In all, seven trees had to come down and two root systems had to be dug up. I'm not sad about the pine trees. We are deadly enemies and I eradicate them with prejudice. The leyland cypress trees, on the other hand, did make me shed a few tears. These majestic beauties flanked what will now be our driveway, but they were just too close together for the truck to come in with all the pieces of our little home. There were also two sassafras trees lost to the massacre, so now our entire lot smells like a nauseating combination of Christmas trees and root beer.

While it's much easier to imagine everything in place with the various shrubberies gone, I must admit that it makes me feel a little exposed. I like my privacy (she said while speaking candidly to the world wide web), so the first thing to be done when it's installed is to plant new ones. NOT pine trees, though. I don't care if it is the state tree.

Once again I forgot my camera, but rest assured that once everything is in place you'll be flooded with pictures. Until then, I'm going to go find more ice for my cheek.

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